Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Melalui Youtube di Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Tanjungpinang



arabic learning, motivation, youtube


This study aims to fix problems in the learning process found by teachers in the classroom through YouTube as a learning medium to increase student motivation in Arabic language material. This study uses a qualitative approach with action research methods (action research). This research uses an approach with action research methods. The model used in the implementation of action research uses the Elliot model. The results obtained from this action research indicate that youtube media can increase students' learning motivation in the very good category. The results of action research observations show that there are differences in student learning motivation between initial observations before taking action and observations when taking action. In the initial observation through the observation method, the students showed less enthusiasm, less independence, and were not active in the learning process. While the results of the study after the first cycle was carried out showed that 87.50% of students or as many as 21 students from a total of 24 students stated that the use of youtube media in learning made students' enthusiasm for learning increase.


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