islamic education thoughts, integration of knowledge, morals, learning methods, islamic learning environment, curriculumAbstract
Islamic educational thought is a philosophical foundation that serves as a guideline in designing and implementing educational curricula in Islamic educational institutions. This thought is sourced from the Quran, Sunnah, and Islamic intellectual heritage. The main concepts in Islamic educational thought include holistic educational goals (tafaqquh fi ad-din), integration between spiritual education and science, the development of the potential of human nature as a whole, the formation of noble morals, and the application of educational methods in accordance with human nature. The implementation of Islamic educational thinking in the school curriculum includes the preparation of educational goals based on Islamic values, the integration of religious and general knowledge, the emphasis on moral and character development, the use of active and participatory learning methods, and the creation of a conducive and Islamic learning environment. The curriculum based on Islamic educational thinking aims to produce a generation that has a solid faith, intellectual intelligence, and noble character.
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