
  • M Fajar Anugerah Fajar Universitas Abdurrab
  • Mhd Rafi Yahya Rafi Universitas Abdurrab
  • Prima Wahyudi Prima Universitas Abdurrab
  • Kenepri Kenepri Universitas Abdurrab


Factors Influencing Performance, Village Local Facilitator (PLD), Village Development, Kampung Tualang Siak District


This research evaluates the performance of the Village Local Facilitator (PLD) in the development of Tualang Village, Siak District. The evaluation was conducted to understand the extent to which PLD plays a role in supporting village development and improving community welfare. Village development is one of the government's main agendas in an effort to equalise national development. The success of village development is greatly influenced by the effectiveness of the mentoring programme, in which PLD has a strategic role in helping villages prepare plans, manage budgets, and increase the capacity of village officials and communities. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach, involving in-depth interviews, direct observation, and analysis of relevant documents. The results showed that the success of village development does not solely depend on the presence of the Village Local Facilitator (PLD) alone, but is the result of a synergy between the quality and ability of the PLD individual with the support of supporting facilities and the commitment of village officials. PLDs must have high technical and managerial competencies, as well as facilitation and empowerment skills, in order to absorb community aspirations and ensure that development programmes run effectively.


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