Balaghoh Studies of Uslub Ithnab in Surah Al-Baqarah



al-baqarah, balaghoh, ithnab, ushlub


To understand Al-Qur’an its needs to mastery Arabic grammar especially Balaghah science, one of them is Ushlub Ithnab. So that, the writer feels interested to do research about Uslub Ithnab in Surah Al-Baqarah. The purpose of the study is to analyze the types of Ushlub Ithnab. The method used in data collecting is a sheet of library research, beaten method, and read the books that related to the title. While the method used in data analysis of Rhetoric and content analysis using the table. There are 18 verses in surah AL-Baqarah that use Ushlub Ithnab. They are in verses (33), (47), (79), (98), (102), (151), (163), (169), (196), (219), (231), (238), (253), (262), (266), (272), (282), (285). The type of Ushlub Ithnab in in surah AL-Baqarah are al-idhoh ba’da ibham, zikru ‘am ba’da khos, zikru khos ba’da ‘am and takrir. The purpose of Ushlub Ithnab in surah AL-Baqarah are at-tanbih, at-taudhih, at-taubikh, as-syumul, at-taukid and at-tatsbit.


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