Improving the Students' Reading Skill Through "Everyone is A Teacher Here Strategy"


  • Arik Maghfirotul Mukarom UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Lismawarni Lismawarni UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau


everyone is a teacher here, learning strategy, reading skill


The design of this research is quantitative experimental with the subject of 29 Semester IX students of the Department of Communication Sciences, the Language Center of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Islamic State Sultan Syarif Qasim Riau as the experimental class and 29 students in the X semester as the control class. Research data collection tools are tests and observations. The research data were analyzed using the SPSS program and the T-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the test results of the experimental class and the control class of 0.0165. The result of T-count is greater than T-table at significant levels of 5% and 1% (2.05 > 8.704 < 2.76). The final result shows that the use of the “Everyone is a Teacher Here” strategy is effective in improving reading skills. The factors that influence the use of this strategy are student compliance and effort, suitability of the material with the level of student understanding and ease of vocabulary.


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