The Feature of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh in the Dīwān of Al-Imām Al-Shāfi’ī


  • Nadwah Daud International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Farrah Syafiqah Binti Mohd Fadzil International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Ma’ahad Mokhtar International Islamic University Malaysia


ahwāl at-tarafayn fit tashbīh al-mu’akkad, al-mushabbah, al-mushabbah bihi, at-tashbīh, at- tashbīh al-balīgh


This is a study of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh textual content analysis of the poetic verses in the Diwan of Imam Al-Shafi'i. At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh is referred as the most eloquent type of Tashbīh. There are fifteen poetic verses of the Diwan have been analyzed for the feature of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh. There were several structures of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh found in the verses in which two of them were widely used by the poet. The researchers would suggest that the feature of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh in the verses was mostly aggrandizement basis in order to emphasize on what the poet wanted to describe in terms of feelings, life experience, advice, and guidance. The purpose of At-Tashbīh was beyond merely simile presentation. The poet’s desire in providing life experience sharing and advice on good moral conduct has indirectly paved the construction of At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh feature in the verses. The poet used At-Tashbīh Al-Balīgh as tool of artistic imagination of what he has been through.    

Author Biographies

Nadwah Daud, International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Arabic Language Literature, Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences

Farrah Syafiqah Binti Mohd Fadzil, International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Arabic Language Literature, Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences

Ma’ahad Mokhtar, International Islamic University Malaysia

Department of Arabic Language Literature, Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences


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