The Application Of The Index Card Matching Method In Enhancing The Arabic Language Learning Motivation Of Students In The Tenth Grade At The Rosyidiah Sungai Alam Bengkalis Secondary School


  • Yasmin Azzahra Nisyam Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Bengkalis


Index Card Match Method, Learning Motivation


In learning, strong motivation is needed from students. The motivation comes from inside and outside the student. This is one of the important things to achieve a good learning, especially in learning Arabic. However, there are still some students who are less motivated in learning Arabic. Therefore, a method is needed to increase students' motivation to learn Arabic. The application of this method can also help students to make it easier to understand the material. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the research method namely Classroom Action Research (PTK). The data source is class X students of Madrasah Aliyah Ar-Rosyidiyah Sungai Alam Bengkalis. The index card match method is one method that uses card matching between question cards and answer cards. The application of this method is to increase the motivation to learn Arabic in the classroom. The improvement process starts gradually from cycle I to cycle II


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